Baby Hair: Complete Guide to Parenthood

As a parent, you love your baby unconditionally. It doesn’t matter whether they have a full head of hair or don’t have hair at all!

While you don’t care what your little one has — or doesn’t have — on top of their head, you might still have a few questions about your baby’s hair. This is completely understandable, as it can be hard to know what’s normal and healthy as a new parent. For example, some babies are born as bald as can be, while others are born with a bushy hairdo. 

As a professional hair stylist of 15 years, a salon owner, successful, self - reliant entrepreneur, and new mommy myself to a beautiful baby girl, I immediately took interest in my baby girl’s hair and will be sharing all the info you need to take extra special care of your little bundle of joy. 

One of the most overwhelming parts of new parenthood is sorting through all of the products that your little one needs. Hair & Skin Care,  Swings, strollers, baby monitors, diaper rash creams—the list goes on and on!

We don't have time to read books on every parenting topic, so learning from those that have been in the trenches is essential to our sanity and success. I’m no mom-ologist just simply sharing my experiences with you as a new mom that might help you navigate your way through mother hood.

Nobody is born with special skills in this world. We all learn from our family, our surroundings, experiences and certainly by our mistakes. The same applies to Parenthood or I should say motherhood in my case. Parenthood is a great skill and I think we all are learners as well as teachers. We all form our own Parenthood mantras. Everyone has their own way of parenting. There is no one way of doing anything, It takes a village. So Find what works best for you and trust your instinct.